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Easter @ the Y

Are you looking for a place to go on Easter? Hope Baptist Church is starting pre-launch Bible studies this Sunday, March 23 at 9:00am. How are pre-launch Bible studies different than regular Bible studies? Pre-launch, because not only are we going to study the Bible, but also our plans are to start a new church here in Middletown. Our vision is to see people come to know Christ, help them find their spiritual gift so that they can be effective in the body of Christ, and do our best to evangelize Middletown, Orange county, New York state and then the world. So if you want to be part of an exciting and mobilizing church, come this Sunday morning to the Y.M.C.A of Middletown and get in on the ground level of something life changing.


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One more week!

Next Sunday Hope Baptist Church will have it’s first Bible study at the Y.M.C.A of Middletown. We will be in the book of Galatians and discussing the topic, ” Religion only enslaves.” If you feel like you have been lied to, or that you are enslaved to an addiction or religion. Come find Hope this Sunday March 23!

Wayne          Subscribe to this blog here

Religion enslaves!

Many people today are under the impression that ” Religion ” is the answer to their spiritual problem. They think that it will free them from the bondage that they are in. Whether it is drugs, anger, pornography, adultery, or a false religion ( cult ), religion cannot help, it will only deepen the enslavement. By it’s own definition ( the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith ), religion is something that someone has to practice, maintain or work hard at doing. This goes against Scripture itself . Eph. 2:8-9 says, ” For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. ” Anyone can plainly see that salvation, or freedom from the bondage of sin, is strictly by grace through faith. If it were by works, then the Bible would be lying when it says, ” not of works.”  

Paul faces this problem when writing to the believers at Galatia. Certain false teachers had convinced a lot of the new believers that  to truly be saved they had to follow the law and old Jewish traditions. But this only confused and enslaved the Christians  so Paul had to warn them to “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” ( Gal. 5:1 )

Are you tired of feeling enslaved to a dead religion? Come to Hope Baptist Church and hear a message that will free you from whatever enslaves you.


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Family Blog

Just wanted to let everyone out there know, who might not already know, about our  family helps blog. I would encourage all of you take a look at it here. I believe that the truths on this page will be a help to the families in Middletown and around the world.



Hope Baptist Church

March 23 2008


Good News!

Just got word from the  Y,  and it looks like we will be using their multipurpose room for our meetings. If all goes as planned we will have our first Bible study March 23, 2008 @ 9:00am. The located @ 81 Highland Ave. Middletown, NY 10940. We would like to invite anyone who is looking to be part of a new and exciting church. At Hope Baptist , our goal is to preach the truth straight from the Bible. No man made traditions or religious fables. If you are tired of going to church and leaving feeling the same , come home to Hope and hear a message that will forever change your life.


Happy Birthday!

I want to wish my beautiful wife a very happy birthday. When God gave me Lina,  He really blessed me more than I could ever deserve. Together we have 3 wonderful children. She is my biggest fan in the ministry, and a very patience woman. She has stayed with me through all the ups and downs. She still lights my fire!!!!!

 Lina, I love you very much and Happy Birthday!


I love what I do!

Stephen Racite, pastor of Cornwall Baptist Church, Cornwall NY, gave me an article about a lady who opened a store in his town selling items related to witchcraft and magic. As I read the article, I was amazed at her openness to admit that she is a practising witch, or as she calls it, ” a Third degree priestess.” This title is compared to being the “pope.” What really got me was the fact that in order to open up shop, she had to sell her sports car to have enough money. The reason she said that she was so willing to do this was, ” I love what I do.” How many of us as Christians who have the truth would be willing to do the same because we ” love what we do, ” or do we gripe when the simplest of things are asks of us?


loving and giving

” You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.”                          —-Amy Carmichael

What a powerful statement about loving and giving. Amy Carmichael knew much of these two attributes. On March 6, 1901, this Irish missionary took in her first young girl who had been solicited as a prostitute in the Hindu temple. This tortured and abused child was searching for refuge, and she found it with Amy Carmichael.

Carmichael continued to serve Christ by giving and loving for 56 years in Dohnavur, India. She dedicated her life to rescue children from the temple prostitution service. By the end of her life, she had saved over 1,000 young people from a life of pain and despair.

Not only did she minister to these young children, she also wrote and published 35 books. Because of her dedication, her influence is still among us today.

Is your life a ” selfless endeavor, ” or  is it a ” selfish adventure ? ” Amy Carmichael knew that serving God would cost her much enjoyment, but eternity will show what her investment reaped. Many young girls who were sold into slavery became free from their bonds by the love of Christ.  ( Article from B.C.W.E. )

We need to pray that we will live a selfless life , so that people who are far from God, can experience his love through us.
